OK, I said it


By Don Varyu

July, 2021

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The woman on TV was a noted epidemiologist. She was talking about scary news concerning Covid. Enough!  This is the last thing that we want to hear about anymore, right?

In case you’ve fully tuned out, she was referring to the new Delta variant. It is more easily transmitted, and far more dangerous if you contract it. That should wake people up—this whole thing could get worse again. 

However, she also had good news--if you’ve had both your vaccine shots, you’re all but impregnable. 

In total, about a third of adult American adults are not vaccinated—by their own choice. We live in a country with tens of millions of so-called “grownups” defiantly walking laughing about danger to themselves or others. Health officials are worried, and often desperate. Certain organizations and companies have taken to bribery to entice the refusers, offering everything from lottery-based vacations to free beer and joints. In my state, those who finally relent and agree to take the shots become eligible for a $1,000,000 prize. 


These people are idiots. They reject the very idea of science. They believe either the pandemic is a conspiracy theory…or that some divine spirit or mysterious herbal concoction will protect them…or that they’re just “too tough” to get infected. In other words, they are not worth saving. 

So, there, I’ve said it. If these morons want to play microbial Russian roulette, let them have at it. Would we somehow suffer without these “precious lives”? Not one little bit. Fewer idiots is a good thing. 

Sure, the deluded have friends and family members who would miss them. But those friends and relations have had more than enough time to convince the idiots to get the shots. And the idiots have refused. Many say they are simply exercising their “freedom.”

Well, refuser, let me put it to you this way. When you do come down with Covid and call 9-1-1, health care providers have the freedom to just hang up. Health care owes you nothing. But those providers do owe allegiance to patients already hospitalized, some with life threatening conditions that could only get more dangerous with you nearby. Society should exercise its freedom to tell you to just stay home and “tough” it out.   

You made your decision. No science for you, huh? Well, as they say, actions have consequences. And so do inactions. You decided to do nothing for yourself or your country.

So, live with that. Or more likely, don’t. Makes no difference to me. 


(Editor’s note: the reason so many people got vaccinated so quickly is due to the dogged work of a little-known female scientist from Hungary. You can hear her story here

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