By Don Varyu
In 2011, a couple of connected things began to happen. That year Barack Obama introduced citizens to the idea of STEM—promoting more education in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. On the grade school level, not much has changed. But at universities, it’s clear that the realms of technology and data are swallowing nearly everything; on U.S. campuses, some 400 different disciplines are listed as STEM-related. Together, our colleges mint more than half a million STEM graduates a year.
By Don Varyu
It is hard enough to focus more than 6 inches past your face in more normal times. Even in the lifetime that seemed to end a few weeks back, we become reactors more often that we become creators. It seems that’s what our age requires. Efforts to forge change and take the cruel edges off what it means to be modern are governed by the next vote, the next legislative session or the next grant cycle.