Humans Need Humanities

Humans Need Humanities

By Don Varyu

In 2011, a couple of connected things began to happen. That year Barack Obama introduced citizens to the idea of STEM—promoting more education in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. On the grade school level, not much has changed. But at universities, it’s clear that the realms of technology and data are swallowing nearly everything; on U.S. campuses, some 400 different disciplines are listed as STEM-related. Together, our colleges mint more than half a million STEM graduates a year.

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By Don Varyu

Political scientists are always searching for the “secret” that reveals who’ll be elected President. Traditional speculations are repeated: which way is Ohio going to go? Who’s taller? Which one would you most “like to have a beer with?” It happens every election.

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Baseball and Me

Baseball and Me

By Don Varyu

I grew up across the street from a ten-acre public park in Chicago; it was always there, just down the steps from our modest house, acting like a baronial front yard. Our Dad figured this would serve the purpose of getting his two pre-school sons out of his hair as we got bigger and more rambunctious…and that’s exactly what happened.

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