Delay the Vote? Easy Fix

By Don Varyu

July 30, 2020


In case you hadn't heard, Donald Trump has America up in arms again. 

This time he's floating the idea that the election in November might be dealayed--at his discretion. And he's being backed, as usual, by the always-helpful son-in-law Jared Kushner (he, having already accomplished previous assignments smashing the opiod epidemic, building the border wall, assuring full supplies of PPE for Covid workers, smoothing China diplomacy, achieving Middle East peace, and masterminding the President's reelection campaign).

Anyway, I don't see what all the fuss is about. 

Democrats should go ahead and vote on November 3rd. 

But every God-fearing, passionately patriotic Repuclican should demonstrate his Constitutionally granted rights by insisting on waiting to cast a vote until December 3rd. 

(GOP voters--if the doors aren't open at you polling place right when you get there, just hod on. I'm sure someone will show up soon...)

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(p.s. If you've ever wondered how Jared the Wunderkind rose to his knighthood, see here.)

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