Will You Cancel Facebook?


By Don Varyu

Oct. 4, 2021

You've probably asked yourself this question already. Your answer may be, "yeah, I know there's some bad stuff on Facebook." Or, "It's really a big party of my life, so I only use it selectively to connect with my friends." Or--less likely--"I just cancelled my account."

The right answer is #3.

But I wouldn't think of asking you to take my word for it. Instead, I'd ask you to listen to Frances Haugen, a former insider at Facebook who copied ten thousand pages of damning internal documents from the company. And not just ones that deal with your privacy being invaded. Instead much more important ones: knowingly and actively promoting content which is flat out wrong. And downright dangerous. It divides America. It puts people, especially young people, in peril. And they don't care. The real conspiracy theory isn't something you read about on Facebook--the conspiracy IS Facebook.

Haugen privately shared her evidence with the Wall Street Journal...then publicly with 60 minutes...and will later this week before a Congressional committee. To hear it for yourself, just listen to Haugen (it's worth sitting through the commercial at the top of the video link.) It's hard not to come to this reality: if you're part of Facebook, you're part of the problem.

And even then, a tougher question remains for most: are you also willing to cancel Facebok-owned Instagram?

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