Arkansas Flips

By Don Varyu

August 4, 2021


A few weeks ago, Arkansas governor Asa Hutchinson (R-Walmart) signed a law that prohibited any state entity from mandating mask wearing. Including hospitals, schools, NASCAR events...wherever.

Suddenly, he's changed his tune. With the Delta variant ripping through the vast numbers of unvaccinated in his state...and kids on the way back to school...he's shocked he didn't think to veto that thing.

β€œIn hindsight, I wish that had not become law, but it is the law and the only chance we have is either to amend it or for the courts to say that it has an unconstitutional foundation.”

In typical GOP form, he's saying, "hey, I messed up--why don't you guys go out and find someone to clean up for me?"

In a previous article, we said this GOP flip-flop on fighting COVID had a specific motivation. You can read the explanation here,

Finally, before you give old Asa too much credit for political courage, consider that term limits prevent him from staying in office after next year's election. This is all about legacy polishing.

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