Jan. 6 Hearings: You go, girls!

By Don Varyu

June 29, 2022

Liz Cheney, Cassidy Hutchinson, Shaye Moss, Caroline Edwards

Every one of the brilliant Jan. 6 Committee hearings makes me feel worse. Just when you think Donald Trump could not be more dastardly…he hits a new low.

But they also make me feel better...gratified...as he’s further exposed and made more vulnerable.

And my satisfaction is boosted with the reality that the most damning evidence against him comes from the group of humans he respects least: women.

Congresswoman Liz Cheney is leading the charge, sticking a finger in the eye of Trump and her entire party. Former White House staffer Cassidy Hutchinson testified directly on what she saw from inside the White House in the days leading up to January 6…and during the attack. (Trump acted like a spoiled toddler when he couldn’t get his way, bodily bullying his own Secret Service detail.) Poll worker Shaye Moss described how her life was threatened and turned upside down after Trump identified her by name, and falsely accused her of election fraud. Caroline Edwards of the Capital Hill police described her terror when she became the first officer overrun by a mob that claimed it was on a mission from Trump.

Each of these women worked on behalf of our government, and each had enough spine to step forward before millions of Americans to tell them what happened. I could not be more impressed.

In 1995, Trump recorded an interview in which he bragged that his persona was so commanding that he could “grab women by the pussy.” He also described barging unannounced into dressing rooms where beauty pageant contestants were changing clothes.

Those stories were revealed when Trump first campaigned for President. Every woman heard them. Some forgave him; many more never forgot.

During these hearings, witnesses with far more character and bravery than Trump has ever demonstrated took the opportunity to answer back. Not to call out his sexism, but to speak truth and help preserve democracy. They spoke class to crass.

You go, girls.


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