From Syria With Love

By Don Varyu

June 5, 2020


As you know, the nation of Syria is one hot mess. Some 12,000 years ago it was part of the cradle of civilization. Since then, things have gone downhill. 

It was recently named the most violent country in the world. Internal political conflicts have claimed more than half a million lives…and 7.5 million have been displaced.

So, Syria is not much like us. It’s 85% Muslim. We’re not. They have virtually no Caucasians. We've got a lot. They operate under the sphere of influence of Russia. In America, this only holds true in the White House.

But like us, they’ve got artists. And two of their young ones decided to paint the tribute (photo above) on the foundation of a crumpled Syrian building out in the boonies.

Just think about that for a minute. In a place where your concerns include your own government capturing and executing you…they’re spending some time thinking about George Floyd. Floyd was an American. America--the place where no one has to worry about forced detention…or torture…or execution, just because of your beliefs or the color of your skin.

So...people in long-suffering Syria are thinking about us.

People in Syria are sending condolences to us!

Virtually every established power structure in every advanced nation fears one thing—a solidarity among young people that holds no respect for their power. That structure plots and prays that this could never happen.

And I have one message for them.

Look at Syria.

Look around.
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