Jared the Invincible Strikes Again

By Don Varyu

April 3, 2020

He’s simply the worst…

He’s simply the worst…


I like to think I’m a nice person.

But I’m really not.

Nice people, like everyone else, have other people they really don’t care for. That’s natural. But not-nice people—like me—have people they loath. They despise. They detest.

And for me, right near the top of my list is Jared Kushner.

Right now, others are joining me, after a characteristically offensive and entitled claim from Kushner that the medical supplies in the national stockpile are “ours”--meaning the federal government's--not belonging to the states. Therefore, those supplies should be held back until he thinks they’re needed. And all this despite language on the stockpile's federal website stating the supplies are there, "...when state, local...responders request federal assistance...". In other words, for immediate use by all Americans in all states.

But...you see...that's now entirely true anymore. The day after Kushner made his comments...that stockpile website changed the language so that it now claims the supplies, "...can be used as a short-term stopgap buffer when the immediate supply of adequate amounts of these materials may not be immediately available."

You know...in cases like--NOW!!

Many states have begged. But Jared is apparently going to sit on his stockpile like Scrooge McDuck until he's good and ready...and then release them when and to whom he pleases. 

Social media reaction has been savage. Former Clinton advisor Joe Lockhart teased, “Does anyone know any federal Americans? Where do they live?"

The most telling response came from a retired general who helped coordinate hurricane Katrina response. He said Kushner, “…doesn’t know what the hell he’s talking about.” Amen. 

Now…some people may not understand who this guy is…where he comes from…and what he represents. For them, this link to a piece we published two years ago gives a pretty good understanding.
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